
Professional Development Session

Format: Mixed model, 2 hour interactive session; Prior to the session: read selected state publication pages, articles and chapters, PowerPoint and handouts. During the session, discussion and group work.

Geometry is the study of shapes and spatial relationships. Children learn about geometry as they move in space and ineract with objects in their environment. Teachers should ask questions and provide materials that encourage children to explore, describe, and compare shapes and positions in space. (California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1). Prior to the session, participants read selections from state publications, access and read the articles, chapters,and handouts, and view the PowerPoint. During the interactive session, participants will create a resource for teachers of songs, games, and fingerplays that might be incorporated into lesson plans to help children develop geometric vocabulary and understanding.


State Publications

California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, pp. 157-158 and 164-165

California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1, pp. 281-289


Articles and chapters

GEOMETRIC AND SPATIAL THINKING IN EARLY EDUCATION (Chapter 10, Engaging Young Children in Mathematics--CPIN Lead resource)

GEOMETRY AND SPATIAL SENSE (Chapter 6, The Young Child and Mathematics--CPIN Lead resource)

GEOMETRY, SPATIAL REASONING, AND MEASUREMENT (Chapter 3, Focus in Prekindergarten: Teaching with Curriculum Focal Points--CPIN Lead resource. Whole chapter except for pp. 59-62)

young children's concept of shape (Clements, Swaminathan, Hanibal, Sarama)

shopping for mathematics in consumer town (NAEYC, Young Children)





mathematics preschool learning foundations: a focus on the geometry strand (CPIN)

how can administrator's support staff's understanding of geometry? (CPIN)


map of the geometry foundations (CPIN)

books about shapes (CPIN)

talking about geometric shapes (Clements and Sarama)

shape descriptions (Clements and Sarama, Building Blocks)

questions related to geometry and spatial sense (adapted from Copley, The Young Child and Mathematics)

Streaming Video