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Researcher Presentations

Language and Literacy

Dr. Judith Schickedanz – Supporting Literacy Development in the Preschool Classroom

Chpt.1 - Introduction (3:54)

Chpt.2 - Overview of Agenda (1:25)

Chpt.3 - Guiding Principles, Environments, and Materials (63:01)

Chpt.4 - Overarching Principle-Learning is Integrated (5:29)

Chpt.5 - Research-Based Discussions (67:07)

Chpt.6 - Reflecting on the Research: Phonological Awareness (30:08)

Chpt.7 - Use of Information Text (19:24)

Chpt.8 - Integrated Learning (22:39)

Chpt.9 - Reflecting on the Research: Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition (22:39)

  • Dr. Judith Schickedanz, Supporting Literacy Development in the Preschool Classroom, PowerPoint Handout, May 2009 PDF
  • Appendix A: “Reflections on Research: Phonological Awareness” - California Preschool Curriculum Framework PDF
  • Appendix B: “Reflections on Research: Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition” - California Preschool Curriculum Framework PDF

The California Preschool Instructional Network sponsored a Research Event on May 21, 2009, featuring Dr. Judith Schickedanz. Dr. Schickedanz’s presentation focused on strategies to support language and literacy development. Dr. Schickedanz reviewed the overarching principles that guided the development of the strategies for the language and literacy chapter of the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1, and discussed how the environment and materials set the stage for learning. Focusing on the literacy strand, she discussed strategies that support individual literacy substrands, as well as strategies that integrate learning in several areas, including integrated learning across domains.

Dr. Schickedanz is Professor of Education at Boston University in the Department of Literacy and Language, Counseling and Development. Her work in the area of early literacy has spanned more than 30 years. She was a founding member of the Literacy Development in Young Children Special Interest group within the International Reading Association and has served on many early literacy committees and commissions within IRA. Dr. Schickedanz served as the lead writer of the literacy section for the Language and Literacy chapter of the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1

Social-Emotional Development

CPIN Research Series Event - Dr. Ross A. Thompson - Dr. Ross Thompson's presentation on the Social-emotional development domain using the California Preschool Learning Foundations:
This event was held: at 9:00 AM, October 1, 2008 (PST).

Chpt. 1: Introduction (5:53)

Chpt. 2: The Developing Brain (56:51)

Chpt. 3: Influence of Early Childhood Stress (33:21)

Chpt. 4: Self-Regulation (40:21)

Chpt. 5: Cooperation and Responsibility (38:03)

Chpt. 6: Peer Relationships (35:22)

Chpt 7: Relationships with Teachers (25:22)

*Please note that while the first half of his presentation is a live video stream of the Research Event, due to technical difficulties, the second half of the presentation was videotaped in the studio.

Dr. Thompson highlights social and emotional skills that develop during early childhood and how they are important to a child’s experience in a preschool classroom. Dr. Ross Thompson, Social and Emotional Development, PowerPoint handout, October 2008 PDF; 8.5MB

The California Preschool Instructional Network sponsored a Research Event in October 2008 featuring Dr. Ross Thompson who was a lead researcher in the development and writing of the social-emotional development domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations published by the California Department of Education. His presentation focused on how social, emotional, and motivational skills are central to learning in early childhood and are foundations for school readiness. He discussed how these skills are shaped by experiences in the family and with teachers and peers in early childhood settings. Using the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Dr. Thompson highlighted social and emotional skills that develop during early childhood and how they are important to a child’s experience in a preschool classroom.

Dr. Thompson is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, and a founding member of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. He was a member of the Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development of the National Academy of Sciences that produced the report, From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development (National Academy Press, 2000). He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Wondertime magazine.

History and Social Science

History and Social Science for Preschoolers by Dr. Ross Thompson

History and Social Science for Preschoolers - 1

History and Social Science for Preschoolers - 2

History and Social Science for Preschoolers - 3

History and Social Science for Preschoolers - 4

History and Social Science for Preschoolers - 5

History and Social Science for Preschoolers - 6