
Seek Multiple Perspectives

Breadcrumb trail:

Uncover and experience the perspectives of children, families, and colleagues.

When your work is informed by multiple perspectives, you have richer experiences, build stronger relationships, and deepen mutual understandings. Listening to others who have different perspectives can nudge you to reconsider your daily practice and worldview, and recognize and challenge your biases. They can also lead to shared inquiry. Finding areas in which you can collaborate with others is a great way to uncover and experience different perspectives. With CompSAT by your side, you may be inspired to seek the perspectives of the children, families, and colleagues in your program and beyond.

Two teachers discussing issues outside.

As you encounter situations which challenge you to consider your professional ethics, it’s helpful to explore the perspectives of everyone involved.

Try This!

Review Scenario #1: Getting Back on Her Feet in Ethical Dilemmas. Take the perspectives of 3 different players — the instructor, Suzette, and a fellow student. Try writing a little dialog among them.

  • How might each of them view this situation?
  • What might each of them think and feel?

Use this template to record your observations, thoughts, and feelings.  Download the Template

Deepen Your Understanding

California Early Childhood Educator Competencies

Deepen your understanding of Ethical conduct by reviewing this Topic in Performance Area 2 in the CA ECE Competencies. Scroll to page 102.

Can you find other places in this competency area that address your interests and needs?

Download the California ECE Competencies

California Early Childhood Educator Competencies

Extend Your Learning

Explore the idea of "constructive controversy" on the MindTools website and try the activity suggested.