Two critical components of high-quality early care and education are effective administrative practices and continuous program improvement, both of which allow early childhood professionals to better serve young children and their families and to meet short- and long-term program goals. This competency area describes the knowledge and skills that early childhood educators are expected to have in operations and program development, fiscal management, human resources, and other aspects of administration.
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Framing questions identify some of the major themes in this competency. They provide you with a starting point. As you explore this competency, add your own framing questions for issues you want to further examine.
Keep these dispositions in mind as you explore the Framing Questions. If you mindfully adopt these dispositions, you will realize the Desired Outcomes for Practitioners and for Children.
The CompSAT Keys to Reflection and Inquiry offer you a protocol to use in whatever setting you work as an early childhood educator. Learn how you can integrate the six Keys into your work. Select one of the Keys below to practice reflecting with questions related to the competency area of Administration and Supervision.
Choose from one of the Keys below to view additional information related to this Competency!
No matter which format you choose, the CompSAT Portfolio will aid you in developing a compelling story that illustrates what you know and are able to do in your work with children and families. All of the formats are intended to stimulate your creativity, guide you as you explore issues that arise in your professional practice, inspire you to take action, and assist you in documenting your practice.