We each bring our experiences, perspectives, and worldview to our work – the good, the bad, and all of the in-between. These are what make us who we are and influence our practice with children, families, and colleagues. We also hold in our minds a picture of our ideal selves. Knowing more about yourself can pave the way to becoming the person and the early educator that more closely matches your ideal self. This first Key to Reflection and Inquiry can help you become more self-aware and intentional in examining who you are now and who you want to become.
Read the poem Advice to Professionals Who Must "Conference Cases" by Janice Fialka, Micah's Mom. You can also listen to Janice read the poem accompanied by original piano music and stunning photos at http://www.broadreachtraining.com/videos/advice.htm.
Janice Fialka invites you to read "Rethinking Denial", Young Exceptional Children: Vol. 5, Number 2.
Write your reflections on the ways you view families as they come to terms with unexpected news about their child’s development. Janice reminds us that "…parents are on their own journey of rebuilding their dreams for their child." Keep this in mind to help you bring compassion and understanding to your work in this arena.
Review the "suggestions for professionals" in the article. The article is a good accompaniment to the CompSAT video, "Preserving Hope, Honoring Dreams."
Use this template to record your observations, thoughts, and feelings. Download the Template
Deepen your understanding of the Special Needs and Inclusion competency by reviewing the dispositions listed in the CA ECE Competencies. Scroll to page 59.
Can you find other places in this competency area that address dispositions and understandings you want to deepen your compassion on behalf of families and children?
Visit Janice Fialka's inspiring website, http://www.danceofpartnership.com.