We each bring our experiences, perspectives, and worldview to our work — the good, the bad, and all of the in-between. These are what make us who we are and influence our practice with children, families, and colleagues. We also hold in our minds a picture of our ideal selves. Knowing more about yourself can pave the way to becoming the person and the early educator that more closely matches your ideal self. This first Key to Reflection and Inquiry can help you become more self-aware and intentional in examining who you are now and who you want to become.
Administrators working in stand-alone programs are typically responsible for managing the business-side of the program, including human resources, along with all of the educational components. Wearing this many indispensable hats often leaves administrators with little time for anything but meeting immediate deadlines.
Providing teachers with pedagogical guidance is often lost or sorely neglected. Thus, administrators miss out on the ultimate satisfaction of participating in the learning and development of the teachers and children.
Which parts of your job do you feel you do well and enjoy?
Which parts don't match with your skills set or temperament?
Take a quiet moment to yourself without interruptions, perhaps with a healthy snack in hand, to reflect on which of these statements most closely reflects your thinking:
When I think about my deepest longings at my job…
Download the Administrator or Pedagogical Leader Self-Assessment. Complete the self-assessment evaluate your skills set and time allocation. After completing the exercise, reflect on what you discovered about yourself, and write down goals you might want to set that will help you create balance between administering and leading your program.
Use this template to record your observations, thoughts, and feelings. Download the Template
Deepen your understanding of the expectations for administration and supervision by reviewing Performance Area 3: Organizational systems, policies, and procedures in of the CA ECE Competencies. Scroll to page 111.
Can you find other places in this competency area that address your interests and needs?
Read the article "Changing Ourselves, Changing Our Programs" by Margie Carter, to consider changes you might want to make in how you approach the job of administrating and supervising.