Dual-Language Development:

Turn Questions Into Action

Breadcrumb trail:

Improve your daily practice and enrich your experiences.

Action is the test of what you know and can do. It is where you see the results of reflection and self-assessment. The CompSAT protocol, Keys to Reflection and Inquiry, is designed to help you formulate good questions, pursue inquiry, and take action to improve your daily practice. The results of your actions provide evidence of your professional growth, and hopefully, spur you on to generate more questions and take further action. Action and reflection are essential to the processes of growth and change.

A day care director discussing details with a teacher.

Try This!

After reading Nora Hyland's article, "Social Justice in Early Childhood Classrooms," what questions do you want to explore through action? Whatever your questions, you will likely need to sharpen your advocacy, as well as your action research skills. Choose a focus area to explore that will help you develop more equity for dual language learning and cultural democracy. You may have some questions like these:

  • How might our program practices be reinforcing social messages about what is, and what is not, valued. How can we find out?
  • How is our pedagogy shaping children’s ideas about fairness, identity, and equity? What might we want to change?
  • What teacher education and recruitment efforts need to be developed, if our programs are to have qualified teachers who speak the languages of the groups we serve?

Use this template to record your observations, thoughts, and feelings.  Download the Template

Deepen Your Understanding

California Early Childhood Educator Competencies

Deepen your understanding by reviewing Culture and language development and learning in Focus 2 – Competency Context: Creating and Maintaining Program Policies and Practices, Performance Area 3 of the CA ECE Competencies. Scroll to page 170.

Can you find other places in this competency area that address your interests and needs?

Download the California ECE Competencies

California Early Childhood Educator Competencies

Extend Your Learning

Many organizations offer resources and skill development in becoming an advocate. Consider visiting these websites as a starting place to strengthen your skills.