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Inclusion Training

The CPIN modules include information for all of California's children. There are some specific modules that are uniquely designed to focus on supporting inclusion and inclusive practices. For more information, contact your local CPIN Regional Lead to request Talking with Parents about Concerns, Inclusion Works!, Literacy for All, or the Preschool English Learner (PEL) Guide Chapter 7 extended version. Request these training options below from your CPIN Lead to support your own inclusive practices.

Inclusion Works!

In this 3-hour professional learning experience, participants explore these topics:

  • Define inclusive practice, describe collaboration, and share practical strategies
  • Discuss the intended use in childcare settings for children birth through age 12 years
  • Review resources included in appendices as well as web links on the MAP to Inclusion and Belonging website

Talking with Parents About Concerns

This 3-hour module provides a framework for caregivers when they have concerns that a child in their care might have a developmental delay, disability, or significant behavior problem. Participants will explore these topics:

  • Discuss how to share concerns with a child’s parents or family members (anyone raising the child)
  • Understand how family members will receive and act on the expressed concern

Literacy for All 

In this 3-hour professional learning experience, participants explore these topics:

  • Discuss the idea of literacy for all and the law that supports literacy for all.
  • Identify how California’s preschool resources embody literacy for all children.
  • Practice strategies to support literacy for all students.