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Language and Literacy Institute

The California Department of Education (CDE) is offering two-day Language and Literacy Professional Learning Institutes for Certified CPIN Trainers. These institutes provide a unique platform where certified CPIN trainers can gather to hear the latest updates from national researchers, deepen knowledge and expertise in language and literacy, receive new learning modules to deliver to the field, and receive important updates to current modules based on current trends and new information from the field. All attendees leave with a variety of tools and resources to provide CPIN training and technical assistance.

Table of Contents


Dates and Locations

Domain and Dates  Two Locations  Time
Language and Literacy
October 15-16, 2019

SETA Head Start  925 Del Paso Blvd Sacramento, CA 95815 (Satellite)

Day One: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Day Two: 8:30-3:30


DAY 1 Time
Arrival/Registration  9:00–9:30 a.m.
Session 1: Deepening Knowledge through Research and Application 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
LUNCH (on own)  12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Session 2: New CPIN Module Roll Out: Interest in Literacy  and Regional Reflection
(Break included in time) 
1:30 – 4:00 p.m.
DAY 2 Time
Arrival and SIgn In 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Session 1: Adult Learning and Presentation Skills 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
LUNCH  12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Session 2: Choose one session below.

Option A: Resources to Extend Language and Literacy Professional Learning: Viewed Through an Adult Learning Theory Lens


Option B: Inclusion Works!

1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Q and A 3:30 – 4:00 p.m.

Session Descriptions

Day 1

Deepening Knowledge through Research and Application
Includes important updates and extensions to the foundational research that the language and literacy domain in Early Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks were based upon. Leading national researcher Dr. David Dickenson will share his perspectives, current research trends, and key information about how to connect this research to the tools used daily by teachers, such as the Early Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks. Participants will have opportunities to discuss new information and ask questions.

New CPIN Module: Interest in Literacy
Includes hands-on experience with the new learning modules available for deliver by Certified CPIN Leads, Instructors and Partners. To gain access to these new module individuals must be present at this session. Trainers will provide key information on the purpose and deliver methods of the module. 

Day 2

Adult Learning and Presentation Skills
Provide information about Adult Learning Theory and how the key strategies are applied in the existing modules. Additionally, information about the newly updated adult learning competencies will be shared and participants will have opportunities to practice applying this information through hands on activities focused on the modules of the institute.

Option A:Resources to Extend Language and Literacy Professional Learning: Viewed Through an Adult Learning Theory Lens

Includes learning resources that can be used to extend the learning beyond the individual CPIN training modules and technical assistance. New resources for creating professionl learning series and new strategies for using existing technical assistance resources will be shared and practiced. 

Option B:Inclusion Works!

Includes hands-on experience with the Inclusion Works! modules available for deliver by Certified CPIN Leads, Instructors and Partners. Participants attending this session will leave certified to deliver the Inclusion Works! module.

Target Audience

To meet the need of the changing field, all CPIN certified leads, instructors and partners are invited to this one-day Volume 1 series. To maintain certification in volume 1 domains, trainers must be present at the respective domain institute. 

Institute Prerequisite

Completion of phases 1-3 CPIN Certification or completion of phase 1-2 and in process of phase 3 completion.

Professional Growth Hours

Individual domain institutes  offer 16 professional growth hours. CEUs or academic credit is available upon request from CSU Channel Islands.


CPIN Professional Learning Institutes - Register Here

Other Institute Information: Here


For information about the forum program agenda, help with online registration, sending a replacement, or canceling, please contact Maria Lazaro by email at or by phone at 805-465-4464 or 800-770-6339.