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Mathematics Planning Learning Opportunities

children graphing

Promoting Geometry

  • Lead the teachers in a Shape Walk—as described in the Geometry module. Using the PLF (Vol. 1) as a guide, work with teachers to create a list of all the spatial awareness concepts that could be addressed with the Shape Walk game. Ask teachers to plan to do the activity in the classroom. Suggest it be used as a transition activity between large group and small group, a structured outside activity, or a transition activity before the children leave for the day. (PCF, Vol. 1, p. 287)
  • Discuss the importance of children having various opportunities to experience shapes. Demonstrate the “Feely Box” game (Geometry module handout) with the teachers. Using the “Talking about Geometric Shapes” handout (Geometry Module), have teachers practice playing the game with each other. (PCF, Vol. 1, p. 284)

Promoting Measurement

  • Discuss the importance of using meaningful activities to promote measurement vocabulary. Suggest that teachers plan a “Measurement March” as described on page 117 of Showcasing Mathematics for the Young Child: Activities for Three-, Four-, and Five-Year-Olds. (PCF, Vol. 1, p. 276)
  • Extend this conversation to include measurement vocabulary from the primary language(s) of the children. 

Promoting Number Sense

  • Create a teacher work-group. Have teachers read the activity on pages 35-37 in Showcasing Mathematics for the Young Child: Activities for Three-, Four-, and Five Year-Olds. As a group, discuss how the activity may work in the classroom as a small group activity. After teachers plan and use the activity, come back together as a group and use open-ended questions to support teacher reflection about the activity. (PCF, Vol. 1, p. 247)
  • Ask teachers to share a favorite number sense activity. How many times a week does teachers have a planned number sense activity? Look at lesson plans together if uncertain. When necessary, suggest that teachers increase the number of intentionally planned number sense activities per week. Provide directions for and demonstrate the “Pizza Game” (Number Sense module). (PCF, Vol. 1, pp. 247, 255)
  • Ask teachers to read page 248 of the PCF (Vol. 1). Many teachers may already know this song. If that is the case, ask teachers to share the lessons they have done. Work together to create two more planned activities that use this song. Create a plan for implementing at least three activities based on this song (NOTE: If teachers have a similar favorite song, center the discussion around that song.).(PCF, Vol. 1, pp. 247, 255)
  • Extend this conversation to include utilizing children’s primary languages, including sign language. (PCF, Vol. 1, p. 244)