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Region 2-Young Boys Of Color CoP
The purpose of this training is to discuss an overview of the publication Creating Equitable Early Learning Environments for Young Boys of Color: Disrupting Disproportionate Outcomes found at https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/documents/boysofcolor.pdf
Young Boys of Color Module 1:An Open Conversation about Oppression, Race, Racism, and Bias
Participants will discuss the following: The definition of race and ethnicity; the features of oppression and the cycle of oppression; how implicit bias influences educators’ behavior and the learning; and a mindful reflection tool and strategies.
Young Boys of Color Module 2: Foundations for an Equitable and Responsive Early Education for Boys of Color
Participants will discuss the following: equitable early childhood environments; the different aspects involved in working to improve racial equity; love as a critical foundation for responsive and equitable early education; the need to change the conversation about Boys of Color and “challenging behaviors;” what it means to “love” our early childhood teachers and why this matters.
Young Boys of Color Module 3: Responsive Instructional Practices for Boys of Color
Participants will discuss the following: the importance of culturally responsive practice; suggestions for arranging environments; external stressors and trauma-informed practices; guidance for developing transparent behavior plans and realistic timelines.
Young Boys of Color Module 4: Partnering with Families of Color
Participants will discuss the following: the limitations of the traditional approaches to parent education; a strength-based framework for family engagement; effective strategies for building respectful, responsive, and reciprocal relationships with families of color and early childhood teachers and staff.