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Core Curriculum LLD Listening and Speaking

teacher and child reading

Professional Development Session

Format: Mixed model, 2 hour interactive session
Prior to the session: Read selected state publication pages, articles, and handouts. Participants view presentations and streaming video sessions.
During the interactive session: Participants discuss classroom environments, materials, and planned activities to support the development of reading skills.

Reading provides access to meaning represented by print. It requires the translation of print into speech and the interpretation of meaning. Preschool children engage in reading by listening to stories and by retelling familiar books. They also engage in reading when they engage in reading when they interpret environmental print by using physical clues or when they reenact through play the literacy related social behavior of family members. Prior to the session, participants read selections from state publications, access and read the articles, position statements, book chapters, and handouts, and view the presentations and streaming videos. During the interactive session, participants discuss classroom environments, materials, and planned activities to support the development of early literacy skills.


State Publications

California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, pp. 56-62 and 71-78

California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1,  pp. 110-127




Listening and Speaking (CPIN)

Early Speech and Language Development: Processes, Benchmarks, and the Impact of Disability by Dr. McLean


Building Language Fluency based on Espinosa and Burns

Language is Key by Ideas that Work

Quotes from Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experiences of Young Children

Staircase handout (adapted from Let’s Listen by Lehr)

Streaming Video