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Center for Early Literacy Learning (videos) CELL videos are designed for the teacher, parent, trainer, coach and home visitor. Each video introduces and illustrates a key component of the CELL Early Literacy Learning Model. The home visitor may use a video to introduce and illustrate a component with a parent. The trainer may use a video to introduce, illustrate or practice a component with teachers. 

CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge-Activity 6.6a: Evaluate dialogic reading practices In this activity, learners watch four videos of a teacher conducting a read aloud and check off the dialogic reading practices they observe.


Tool Box Harvest

LLD Observation Checklist

Building Vocabulary--English
Building Vocabulary--Spanish

CELL Sing and Sign
Communication Section Integration Checklist
Daily Rituals with Families
How Can You Create a Learning Environment That Supports Diversity?

Message in a Back Pack: Home Sorting Ideas
Message in a Back Pack: What’s New at the Library

Reading Rockets Adventure Pack Gardening
Reading Rockets Adventure Pack Gardening--Spanish
Reading Rockets Adventure Pack Hungry Caterpillar
Reading Rockets Adventure Pack Hungry Caterpillar--Spanish
Reading Tips for Parents--English
Reading Tips for Parents--Spanish
Repeated Interactive Read-Alouds
Reading Rockets: Literacy-Rich Environments

Story Stem Tip Sheet
Talking Counts--English
Talking Counts--Spanish
Toolbox Addition v2 (October 2017)
Trainer Manual Robots
Trainer Manual Robots--Spanish
Using Words to Teach Words
Using Words to Teach Words--Spanish

Other Resources

Book Reading Strategies DOC

Casper, Beth. Spring 2004. Children with disabilities thrive in literacy-rich environments Early Childhood Connection newsletter.

Encouraging Child-to-Child Conversation Tip Sheet

Examples of Classroom Literacy Materials This is a list of literacy materials that may be found in the classroom, but not a required list of items. Many of the materials listed are free or low in cost. The expectation is that this list will be
used to identify the literacy materials a teacher may already have available in the classroom. It is not to be used as a checklist or shopping list.

Home Literacy Activities Handout PDF

Infusing Literacy Materials in All Classroom Interest Areas Handout PDF

Interest-Based Everyday Literacy Activity Checklist

Koralek, Derry. 2003. Reading Aloud with Children of All Ages. Young Children.

Literacy Across the Preschool Curriculum Tip Sheet

Literacy-Rich Environments Checklist

Looking at Comprehension Through a New Lens DOC

The Mascot handout PDF

Out and About with Preschools: Literacy Activities Tip Sheet Go ahead—take literacy outside!

Photo Books handout PDF

Power of the Pen: Drawing and Scribbling Tip Sheet When young children draw or scribble, they are using the skills they will need for writing 

Power of the Pen: Let Children Choose Writing Centers “Y-E-S. N-O. L-O-V-E. H-E-L-P.” When children see the power of written words, they want to write, too. A “writing center” gives children easy access to writing materials and lets them enjoy a variety of activities while they learn skills that will help them become confident, competent writers—and meet language arts benchmarks.

Preparing Children to Read Prepares Children for Life Language and Literacy Handbook PDF

Roskos, K., Christie, J., and D. Richgels. 2005. The Essentials of Early Literacy Instruction. Young Children.

Sharing the Class Book handout PDF

Social Story Tips and Sample Social stories are meant to help
children understand social situations, expectations, social cues, new activities, and/or
social rules. As the name implies, they are brief descriptive stories that provide accurate
information regarding a social situation.

Taking Stock of What You Do to Promote Literacy Inventory Checklist from NAEYC

Weaving Alphabetics Into Your Day (in a fun and playful way!)

Writing Suitcase PDF

Head Start Consumer Report