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Migrant Parent Modules

The Migrant Education Program funded the following online modules to support parent and family engagement.  These modules were developed to be presented by a facilitator but can also be viewed by parents.  Each module contains strategies parents can use in their interactions with their children.



Handouts handout


Module 1: Facilitator Overview of Migrant Modules and Handouts

Module 1 overview provides an understanding of the topics presented in each module as well as the tools and resources available to facilitators, parents, and families.


migrant module 1

English | Spanish


  1. Module Facilitation Preparation Checklist
  2. Suggested Resources for Background Knowledge
  3.  Tip Sheet of Strategies for Adult Learners
  4. Facilitation Agenda Sample
  5.  List of Handouts Included in Module
  6. Module Facilitation Planning Guide


  1. Lista de verificación para la preparación de la presentación del módulo
  2. Recursos sugeridos para la información de fondo
  3. Hoja de estrategias para los aprendices adultos
  4. Ejemplo del orden del día de la presentación
  5. Lista de documentos de apoyo incluidos en los módulos
  6. Guía de planificación de las presentaciones de módulos

Module 2: Using Positive Discipline to Support Your Child’s Development

Module 2 explores positive parenting techniques and strategies. By reflecting on personal parenting styles and experiences, parents can identify areas of confidence and areas where they may face parenting challenges. 

Module 2 Facilitator Guide
English | Spanish

Module 2 Facilitator Agenda
English | Spanish

migrant module 2

English | Spanish


  1. Family Resource Packet
  2. Personal Reflection Sheets
  3. The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto
  4. Parenting Manifesto Sample Template
  5. Conversation Starters for Daily Life
  6. Tip Sheet for Families
  7. Parenting Style Questionnaire
  8. Temperament Self-Assessment
  9. Action Planning


  1. Paquete de recursos para las familias
  2. Reflexion Personal
  3. Manifiesto para los padres
  4. Plantilla para el manifiesto de los padres
  5. Como comenzar una conversacion en la vida diaria 
  6. Hoja de consejos para las familias
  7. Cuestionario sobre el estilo de educar a los hijos 
  8. Autoevaluacion del temperamento 
  9. Planificacion de acciones


  1. Parenting Style
  2. Temperament Survey
  3. Parenting Manifesto
  4. Talking Every Day

Module 3: Growing Self-Confident Children Through Goal Setting and Growth Mindset

Module 3 Facilitator Guide
English | Spanish

Module 3 Facilitator Agenda
English | Spanish

migrant module3

English | Spanish

  1. What is important to me for my children?
  2. Supporting Self-Confidence
  3. Goal Setting Worksheet
  4. How can you model a growth mindset?
  5. Mindset Quiz
  6. Action Planning


  1. What is important to me for my children?
  2. Creating Routines and Asking Questions
  3. Mindset Quiz
  4. Praise Poster